10 Best Mental Health Practices to Help You Relieve Anxiety

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment option for anxiety, a common mental health disorder. There are several methods offered at NYU Langone, one of which is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT assists people in recognizing and changing harmful thought patterns that fuel worry. Another type of CBT that may assist in overcoming anxieties is exposure therapy, which involves progressively exposing patients to the items or circumstances that frighten them.

1. Work out

Stress can be reduced by exercising because it releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals. Serotonin and energy levels are also raised and even enhanced by exercise! Therapists can provide techniques for countering unfavorable thoughts with logical, calming ones. They might also assist in teaching you how to relax, such as through progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises, which can improve socialization and motivate you to interact with people more regularly.

2. Introspection

Regular meditation has been demonstrated in studies to help lower anxiety levels. Yoga is one kind of meditation that can be beneficial since it combines physical exercise with meditation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Your fears and concerns may be caused by feelings, ideas, or experiences that are typically hidden from conscious awareness. Mindful inquiry can assist in revealing these elements. We can notice these feelings and then gently let them go by being nonjudgmentally aware of them.

3. Keep a journal

Therapists and wellness advocates often encourage writing down your feelings as a coping strategy since it may be a useful tool for expressing emotions and calming racing thoughts. If you put your concern in writing, it might become clear that future possibilities—rather than present events—are actually stressful. This can be a huge comfort!

4. Having a conversation

Often, the most effective technique to lower worry is to communicate. Speaking with a stranger could give you a useful outsider's viewpoint on the situation. Having honest discussions about mental health can help remove stigma and support those who are experiencing difficulties. Finding a confidant who you trust and who is sympathetic to your situation can be accomplished through friends, online communities, support groups, hotlines, or therapists.

5. Looking after oneself

If anxiety is having a detrimental effect on your relationships or everyday life, you might want to talk to a mental health professional about your choices for treatment, including medication and psychotherapy. Find out what makes you anxious and record your thoughts in a journal to spot trends. With your mental health professional, work on coping mechanism development. Make sure you're eating well and getting enough sleep, and keep moving. Exercise helps reduce stress by burning hormones in the body and promoting calm.

6. Restful sleep

Everyone experiences anxiety occasionally, but for those who suffer from an anxiety disorder, these sensations can become crippling and chronic. Frequent signs could be tenseness, fast heartbeats, and trouble falling asleep. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and follow a wind-down ritual before bed to ensure you get enough sleep each night. Moreover, studies have demonstrated a considerable reduction in anxiety symptoms with exercising.

7. Getting adequate rest

Consult a physician if anxiety is affecting your day-to-day activities. They can perform an examination to rule out any underlying medical issues and recommend mental health therapies like psychotherapy as a potential cure. To monitor symptoms and identify causes, keep a notebook. If you find yourself in a never-ending loop of worrying, set aside some time for "worry time," during which you should put all of your worries on hold until they can be resolved.

8. Taking good care of oneself

Better practices that lessen anxiety also help avoid depression. Examples of these practices include eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising frequently, and getting adequate sleep. Regaining awareness of the present moment, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in meditation are all useful strategies for reducing anxiety. Consulting with a mental health expert for more support and guidance may also be helpful; see your insurance provider list for suitable and reasonably priced providers.

9. Sleeping well at night

Although worry is a natural part of life, persistent anxiety may be debilitating. You can reduce and eventually take control of your discomfort by practicing good habits like working out, practicing meditation, and keeping a notebook. To relax your nervous system, use the 5-4-3-2-1 method, which is counting backwards from five. Progressive muscular relaxation, deep breathing, and visualization exercises are some other helpful coping mechanisms.

10. Making time for exercise

Exercise can help you relax and reduce cortisol levels. Decide on a fun exercise, like swimming or running, and arrange a specific amount of time each day for it. Again, getting help from a professional should always come first, but following these daily routines could give you a greater sense of control over your anxiety or other mental health issues. You can work through symptoms with your therapist by keeping an eye on them and figuring out what prompts them.

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